Cancellation of Conference and School due to CoVid-19
Due to concerns about CoVid-19, the organization committee has decided that despite our regrets the Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing and the Autumn School on Scientific Computing must be cancelled.
The rapid spreading of the virus and disease cases all over the world and in particular in Europe, Asia and increasingly in America, make us expect that the situation will not improve within the next weeks. It is our responsibility not to contribute to a further spreading of the virus within Latin America. Moreover, in order to prevent the uncontrolled spreading of the virus, many countries (USA, Peru, ...) are in the process of legislating more and more restrictive rules regarding immigration, transfer and traveling. Several conference participants are not any more allowed to enter Peru. Schools and universities in Peru are being closed, large meetings are banned.
Having planned a conference in enclosed spaces with a high density of people we cannot rule out a risk of infection and proliferation of the virus. The recommended infection protection measures like keeping a distance and avoiding crowds of people etc. are in conflict with the purpose of such an event that includes intense conversations, discussions and networking.
It was not easy for us to make this decision and we kindly ask for your comprehension. We hope to be able to organize a similar event in 2021 or 2022.
Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing : March 30 - April 2, 2020, Cusco, Peru
The objective of this conference is to bring together Peruvian and international researchers working in the area of Scientific Computing, in particular in the fields Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation with Differential Equations. A focus will lie on topics that are of particular interest for researchers in South America, such as Subsurface Flows, Mathematical Epidemiology or Climate and Environmental topics. The scientific part will be complemented by an attractive social program.
In the week ahead of the conference (March 23-27), we offer an introductory Summer School about some basic concepts of Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing. Details about the school can be found here.
Location of the Conference
Paraninfo Universitario of the
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru
Plaza de Armas, Cusco
Beautifully located within the Andean Mountains, Cusco is the ancient capital of the Inca empire and offers plenty of touristic sights, ruins and stunning sceneries.
Topics of Interest
- Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Subsurface Flows
- Mathematical Epidemiology
- Climate and Environmental Topics
- Finite Elements
Invited Speakers
- Soledad Aronna (FGV Rio, Brazil)
- Roland Becker (Univ. Pau, France)
- Erik Burman (UCL - London, UK)
- Juan C. De los Reyes (Quito, Ecuador)
- Omar Ghattas (Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Andreas Griewank (Humboldt Univ. of Berlin, Germany)
- Roxana Lopez-Cruz (UNMSM, ULIMA Lima, Peru)
- Insa Neuweiler (Univ. of Hannover, Germany)
- Karen Willcox (Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)

The scientific program of the conference will start on Monday, March 30, in the morning and run until Thursday, April 2, around noon. It consists of invited and contributed talks as well as a poster session. During the conference we will organize a trip to the village of Pisac in the Sacred Valley of the Incas with its famous ruins and a large market.
A sketch of the preliminary program can be found here.
The fee for participation in this conference will be 200 USD. A reduced fee of S./ 150 applies to students and researchers from the Andean Community (Peru, Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador). The fee covers participation in the conference, refreshment during the breaks, the conference dinner, an ice breaking event on Monday, March 30 and the trip to Pisac. The deadline for the registration of contributions was November 22, 2019. If you would still like to participate, please contact Thomas Richter.
Travel Support
Participants may apply for an ICIAM Fellowship to cover transport and hotel expenses. The deadline for application is February 3rd, 2020. More details and the application form can be found here.
Students and staff of the associated universities Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT) and Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) could already apply for travel support funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This application is now closed and the selected participants have been informed.
Important Dates
- 01.10.2019: Registration and submission opens
- 22.11.2019: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
- 27.11.2019: Notification of acceptance
- 30.03.2020: Start of the conference
Scientific Committee and Members
- P. Bastian (Heidelberg University, Germany)
- P. Benner (MPI Magdeburg, Germany)
- M. Braack (CAU Kiel, Germany)
- S. Frei (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany)
- S. May (TU Dortmund, Germany)
- J. Montealegre Scott (PUCP Lima, Peru)
- I. Neitzel (Univ. Bonn, Germany)
- T. Richter (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
- O. Rubio Mercedes (UNT Trujillo, Peru)
- D. Rueda Castillo (UNALM - Lima, Peru)
- S. Sager (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
- K. Schratz (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany)
- T. Wick (Univ. of Hannover, Germany)
For all questions regarding this conference do not hesitate to contact Thomas Richter.