[1] C. Mehlmann. Finite elements and sea ice dynamics. In G. Yoshikazu, H. Matthias, K. Peter, and T. Edriss, editors, Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[2] H. von Wahl, T. Richter, S. Frei, and T. Hagemeier. Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data. Zenodo, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[3] F. Sonner and T. Richter. Second order pressure estimates for the Crank-Nicolson discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 58, 375--409, 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[4] P. Minakowski and T. Richter. Finite Element Error Estimates on Geometrically Perturbed Domains. Journal of Scientific Computing, 84(30), 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[5] S. Frei and T. Richter. Efficient Approximation of Flow Problems With Multiple Scales in Time. SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 18(2), 942--969, 2020. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[6] L. Failer and T. Richter. A parallel Newton multigrid framework for monolithic fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Scientific Computing, 82(2), 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[7] L. Failer and T. Richter. A Newton multigrid framework for optimal control of fluid-structure interactions. Optimization and Engineering, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[8] R. Weinhandl, P. Benner, and T. Richter. Low-rank Linear Fluid-structure Interaction Discretizations. ZAMM, 100(11), e201900205, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[9] P. Benner, T. Richter, and R. Weinhandl. A Low-rank Approach for Nonlinear Parameter-dependent Fluid-structure Interaction Problems. In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Enumath 2019, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, 2020. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[10] H. von Wahl, T. Richter, and C. Lehrenfeld. An unfitted Eulerian finite element method for the time-dependent Stokes problem on moving domains. Zenodo, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[11] C. Mehlmann and T. Richter. A goal oriented error estimator and mesh adaptivity for sea ice simulations. Ocean Modeling, 154(101684), 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[12] A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A. Sprenger, Y. Amarouchene, T. Salez, C. Schönecker, T. Richter, H. Löwen, and A. Menzel. Axisymmetric Stokes flow due to a point-force singularity acting between two coaxially positioned rigid no-slip disks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904, A34, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]