[1] L. Gkimisis, N. Aretz, M. Tezzele, T. Richter, P. Benner, and K. Willcox. Non-intrusive reduced-order modeling for dynamical systems with spatially localized features. submitted, 2025. [ bib | DOI ]
[2] Robert Jendersie, Christian Lessig, and Thomas Richter. Towards a gpu-parallelization of the nextsim-dg dynamical core. submitted, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[3] B. Endtmayer, U. Langer, and T. Richter A. Schafelner. A posteriori single- and multi-goal error control and adaptivity for partial differential equations. submitted, 2024. [ bib ]
[4] M. Liebchen, U. Kaya, C. Lessig, and T. Richter. An adaptive finite element multigrid solver using gpu acceleration. submitted, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[5] V. Knoob, T. Richter, R. Ulrich, and M. Janczyk. An introduction and tutorial to fitting (time-dependent) diffusion models with the r-package driftdm. submitted, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[6] U. Kaya and T. Richter. Error analysis of a pressure correction method with explicit time stepping. submitted, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[7] R. Jendersie, C. Lessig, and T. Richter. A gpu-parallelization of the nextsim-dg dynamical core. submitted, 2024. Preprint egusphere-2024-2539. [ bib | DOI ]
[8] D. Dominguez, A. Dam, T. Richter, K. Sundmacher, and S. Alia. Application of a temporal multiscale method for efficient simulation of degradation in pem water electrolysis under dynamic operation. submitted, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[9] S. Frei, G. Judakova, and T. Richter. A locally modified finite element method for a stokes interface problem. submitted, 2024. [ bib ]
[10] U. Kapustsin, U. Kaya, and T. Richter. Error analysis for hybrid finite element/neural network discretizations. submitted, 2023. [ bib ]
[11] U. Kaya and T. Richter. Local pressure-correction and explicit time integration for incompressible flows. submitted, 2023. [ bib ]
[12] M. Soszy nska and T. Richter. A priori error analysis of multirate time-stepping schemes for two-phase flow problems. submitted, 2023. [ bib ]