Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing : October 3 - 6, 2022, Cusco, Peru

Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing :
October 3 - 6, 2022, Cusco, Peru

The objective of this conference is to bring together Peruvian and international researchers working in the area of Scientific Computing, in particular in the fields Modeling, Simulation and Optimization with Differential Equations. A focus will lie on topics that are of particular interest for researchers in South America, such as Subsurface Flows, Mathematical Epidemiology or Climate and Environmental topics. The scientific part will be complemented by an attractive social program.

Location of the Conference

Paraninfo Universitario of the
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru
Plaza de Armas, Cusco

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner on Wednesday will take place at the Tierra Qoricancha, about 10 minutes from the conference venue. We start at 19:00.


The excursion on Thursday will start at the Universidad UNSAAC. The meeting point is Puerta 6, Avenida Universitaria, UNSAAC. The buses will leave at 07:30 in the morning.

Beautifully located within the Andean Mountains, Cusco is the ancient capital of the Inca empire and offers plenty of touristic sights, ruins and stunning sceneries.


Topics of Interest

  • Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Subsurface Flows
  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Climate and Environmental Topics
  • Finite Elements

Invited Speakers

  • Roland Becker (Univ. Pau, France)
  • Erik Burman (UCL - London, UK)
  • Omar Ghattas (Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)
  • Roxana Lopez-Cruz (UNMSM - Lima, Peru)
  • Insa Neuweiler (Univ. of Hannover, Germany)
  • Olga Vasilieva (Universidad del Valle, Colombia)


There is free wifi available at the conference venue:

  • Password: paraninfo2019.
    (Do not miss the dot in the end)

Registration and Submission of Contributions, Conference Fee

Registration for the conference and the spring school is closed.

  • Submission of new abstracts is closed. Submitted abstracts can still be adjusted. Submission Management

The fee for participation in this conference will be 100 USD (or 100 EUR) which is to be paid onsite at the start of the conference. A reduced fee of S./ 100 applies to students and researchers from the Andean Community (Peru, Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador). The fee covers participation in the conference, refreshment during the coffee breaks, the conference dinner, and an ice-breaking event on Sunday.

The deadline for registration and for the submission of abstract is August 5th 2022.

ICIAM Fellows to cover travelling costs

The conference thankfully acknowledges the support by ICIAM that allows us to award ICIAM Fellowships to a number of talented participants coming from Latin America.

Depending on the availability of funds, the number of applications and the expected travel costs, we are able to give grants between 200 and 500 USD to support the participation in this event. The fellowship may cover costs for accommodation and transportation (flight, bus, etc) and will be awarded during the conference.

If you would like to be considered for a fellowship, please fill in this form before August 5, 2022 (in English!). Preference will be given to participants who also submit an abstract for a talk or poster.


The scientific program of the conference will start on Monday, October 3, in the morning and run until Wednesday, October 5, in the evening. It consists of invited and contributed talks as well as a poster session. On October 6, we plan an excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where we visit the ruins of Pidac and Ollantaytambo.
The detailed program and information on the format of the talks and posters is given on Schedule. The book of abstracts can be found here.

Preparatory Spring School on Scientific Computing

In the week ahead of the conference (September 26 - 30), we offer an additional introductory spring school on some basic concepts of numerical methods in scientific computing. This school is a separate event that will also take place in Cusco. Details on the spring school can be found on this website.

Important Dates

  • 18.05.2022: Registration for the conference and submission opens
  • 05.08.2022: Deadline for registration and for the submission of abstracts for conference contributions
  • 10.08.2022: Notification of acceptance
  • 26.09.2022: Start of the Spring school
  • 03.10.2022: Start of the Peruvian Converence on Scientific Computing

Organization Committee

  • M. Braack (CAU Kiel, Germany)
  • D. Dominguez (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • S. Frei (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany)
  • U. Kaya (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • C. Mehlmann (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • T. Richter (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • D. Rueda (Universidad La Molina, Peru)
  • T. Wick (Leibniz Univ. Hannover, Germany)

Scientific Committee

  • P. Bastian (Heidelberg University, Germany)
  • P. Benner (MPI Magdeburg, Germany)
  • M. Braack (CAU Kiel, Germany)
  • S. Frei (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany)
  • S. May (Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden)
  • I. Neitzel (Univ. Bonn, Germany)
  • T. Richter (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • O. Rubio Mercedes (UNT Trujillo, Peru)
  • D. Rueda Castillo (UNALM - Lima, Peru)
  • S. Sager (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)
  • K. Schratz (Sorbonne Univ., France)
  • T. Wick (Univ. of Hannover, Germany)


For all questions regarding this conference do not hesitate to contact Thomas Richter.



We thankfully acknowledges the financial and personal support given by various organizations and universities.

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Federal Ministry ofr Economic Cooperation and Development Germany
  • Sociedad Peruana de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional
  • Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
  • DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Mathematische Komplexitätsreduktion
  • Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
  • Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
  • Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme Magdeburg
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

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