Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing 2022 03 Oct 2022 - 06 Oct 2022
03 Oct 2022 - 06 Oct 2022
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru

The objective of this conference is to bring together Peruvian and international researchers working in the area of Scientific Computing, in particular in the fields Modelling, Simulation and Optimization with Differential Equations. A focus will lie on topics that are of particular interest for researchers in South America. The scientific part will be complemented by an attractive social program.

Topics of Interest:

  • Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Subsurface Flows
  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Climate and Environmental Topics
  • Finite Elements

Invited Speakers: t.b.a.

  • Soledad Aronna (FGV Rio, Brazil)
  • Roland Becker (Univ. Pau, France)
  • Erik Burman (UCL - London, UK)
  • Omar Ghattas (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  • Roxana Lopez-Cruz (UNMSM, ULIMA Lima, Peru)
  • Insa Neuweiler (Univ. Hannover, Germany)
  • Karen Willcox (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Registration is now open.

XV SEMBIOMAT 11 Sep 2020 - 26 Sep 2020
11 Sep 2020 - 26 Sep 2020
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru - Online
Website external Website

Topics of Interest:

  • Population Dynamics
  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Mathematical Ecology
  • Biostatistics

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Anuj Mubayi (Arizona State University, USA)
  • Edith Seier (East Tennessee University, USA)
  • Eduardo González Olivares (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)
  • Fernando Córdova Lepe (Universidad del Maule, Chile)
  • Fernando Momo (UNGS, Argentina)
  • Geiser Villacicencio Pulido (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitano, México)
  • Graciela Canziani (UNICEN, Argentina)
  • Ignacio Barradas (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, México)
  • María Soledad Aronna (FGV Río de Janeiro, Brasil)
  • Miriam Nuno (University of California, USA)
  • Pauline van den Driessche (University of Victoria, Canada))
  • Ricardo Castro (Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile)
  • Sara Grundel (MPI for Dynamical Systems Magdeburg, Germany)
  • Sashikumar Ganesan (Indian Institute of Sciences Bangalore, India)

The workshop is organized by the Peruvian Society of Applied Mathematics (SPMAC) and supported by PeC3. Further information can be found on the workshop website. For registration follow this link.

International Conference on Scientific Computing (cancelled) 30 Mar 2020 - 02 Apr 2020
30 Mar 2020 - 02 Apr 2020
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru

The objective of this conference is to bring together Peruvian and international researchers working in the area of Scientific Computing, in particular in the fields Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation with Differential Equations. A focus will lie on topics that are of particular interest for researchers in South America. The scientific part will be complemented by an attractive social program.

Topics of Interest:

  • Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Subsurface Flows
  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Climate and Environmental Topics
  • Finite Elements

Invited Speakers:

  • Soledad Aronna (FGV Rio, Brazil)
  • Roland Becker (Univ. Pau, France)
  • Erik Burman (UCL - London, UK)
  • Juan C. De los Reyes (Quito, Ecuador)
  • Omar Ghattas (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  • Andreas Griewank (HU Berlin, Ecuador)
  • Roxana Lopez-Cruz (UNMSM, ULIMA Lima, Peru)
  • Insa Neuweiler (Univ. Hannover, Germany)
  • Karen Willcox (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

The conference fee will be 200 USD (reduced fee of S./ 150 for Peruvian participants). Registration will be opened soon.

Summer School
Spring School on Scientific Computing 26 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022
26 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
In the week ahead of the conference on scientific compiting, from September 26 to September 30, 2022, we will organize an Introductory Spring School. The school will start at 9 am on Monday, September 26 and end on Friday, September 30 at around 4pm. There will be theoretical and a computational parts. In the latter, we will apply numerical methods in a programming environment in Python.
Online Course on Finite Elements 04 Aug 2022 - 11 Aug 2022
04 Aug 2022 - 11 Aug 2022
We offer a virtual course for finite elements from August 4-6 and 11-13 via zoom. The course will be held in Spanish.
Scientific Computing in Python 14 Jul 2022 - 22 Jul 2022
14 Jul 2022 - 22 Jul 2022
The course "Scientific Computing in Python" will take place on July 14-16 and 21-22 and will be taught remotely. Each class will have a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes starting at 9am local time. The goal of the course is to provide some of the most important basic elements of scientific computing using the Python programming language. It is intended to introduce attendees to these tools and support their full participation in the Finite Element Virtual Course and the Spring School on Scientific Computing, which will be held at a later on.
Web Course on Finite Elements and Applications 25 Jun 2021 - 09 Jul 2021
25 Jun 2021 - 09 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva
Website external Website
This joint course by Peruvian and German docents gives an introduction to the mathematical theory of finite elements, including the required functional analysis and different applications in science.
Autumn School on Scientific Computing 23 Mar 2020 - 27 Mar 2020
23 Mar 2020 - 27 Mar 2020
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
In the week ahead of the conference on scientific compiting, from March 23 to March 27, 2020, we will organize an Introductory Autumn School. The school will start at 9 am on Monday, March 23 and end on Friday, March 27 at around 4pm. There will be theoretical and a computational parts. In the latter, we will apply numerical methods in a programming environment in Python.
Spring School on the Introduction on Numerical Modelling of Differential Equations 23 Oct 2019 - 31 Oct 2019
23 Oct 2019 - 31 Oct 2019
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru
Website external Website
This block course is devoted to an introduction to numerical modeling with a focus on computational modeling of differential equations. The aim is to give a flavor of scientific computing; namely mathematical modeling of physical and technical processes, development and analysis of numerical algorithms, and their implementation on a computer. The pre-course in the first week gives an introduction to Scientific Computing in general and to scientific programming in C++. In the second week numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations are introduced. All classes are supplemented with practical exercises to substantiate the theoretical and algorithmic advancements

Online Lecture on Optimization 02 Nov 2020 - 26 Feb 2021
02 Nov 2020 - 26 Feb 2021
University of Konstanz, Germany - Online
Website external Website

Content: Nonlinear Optimization

Unconstrained optimization problems are considered and different solution methods are presented, e.g. the conjugate gradient method, steepest descent and Newtons method. In addition to the numerical implementation, an analysis of the methods will be carried out. Programming tasks (in MATLAB or PYTHON) are very important in the exercises. Prerequisites for the course are basic knowledge in Analysis, Linear Algebra and an introduction to Numerical Analysis as well as MATLAB or PYTHON programming skills

This course has been held online by Jun.Prof. Gabriele Ciaramella at the University of Konstanz in the (German) summer term 2020 with lecture material in English, Italian and German. Participants will have access to the lecture videos, a manuscript and corresponding exercises each week. An advanced student from the University of Konstanz will guide through the course and in particular discuss the solution of the exercise sheets (in English).

Participation is free, but limited. For registration please follow this link.

There are two possibilities to participate. The first one is an individual participation as capacity-building program. A certificate will be issued in case of a regular participation. The second possibility is that university docents embed this lecture into their class, which means that both students and professors will have access to the lecture material and the students will be additionally guided by their docent.

Online Lecture on Numerics of Partial Differential Equations 12 Oct 2020 - 29 Jan 2021
12 Oct 2020 - 29 Jan 2021
University of Hannover, Germany - Online

This course is devoted to the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). A PDE is a function of at least two independent variables in which both derivative information and function values may appear. PDEs play a very important role in continuum mechanics for modeling applications in physics, biology, chemistry, finance, mechanical/civil/environmental engineering. The focus in this course is on numerical modeling of PDEs, which allow us to discretize them for computer simulations. We discuss various discretization schemes, design of algorithms and their rigorous numerical analysis. Moreover, we discuss the numerical solution of the arising linear equation systems. This class is an important part of scientific computing eduction in which mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and computer implementations interact.

The course is held online by Prof. Dr. Thomas Wick at the University of Hannover in the (German) winter term 2020/21. Participants include students from Hannover as well as students and docents from India and Peru. The lecture material will be in English with a manuscript and corresponding exercises each week. There will be live discussions offered by Prof. Wick as well as weekly tutorials offered by advanced students from the University of Hannover that will discuss the solution of the exercise sheets.

Participation is free, but limited. Registration will open soon.

There are two possibilities to participate. The first one is an individual participation as capacity-building program. A certificate will be issued in case of a regular participation. The second possibility is that university docents embed this lecture into their class, which means that both students and professors will have access to the lecture material and the students will be additionally guided by their docent. More information can be found on this page.

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